Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Work is....Work

For those of you who don't know I work at Winger's. I love it, I'm a host and being around people is so my thing so it rocks. To explain the pictures below, It was EXTREMELY SLOW last night so I whipped out my camera and started documenting what happens when the resturuant is empty. It's quite fasinating!


It's officail, I got my licence yesterday and I'm freakin out!!! I totally don't feel old enough to be driving alone. I guess I'm just a "big girl" now. It is so dang fun, I just love the freedom. But the freedom would be WAY cooler if I had my own car so if anyone sees ANYTHING for sale please let me know.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

TAGGED !!!!!!!!!!

1-Music is my passion, I love listening to all types of genres, I see music as a way of people expressing themselves and their feelings. It is a way for me to escape the worries of the world. When I'm carefree I love jamming to some alternative rock, when I get upset I jam some rock or rap with intense bass. Music is definately therapeutic for me.

2-I have one fear in this whole world and it's MICE, I hate them with an intense passion. They just give me the absolute freaks.....EWW is all I can really say.

3-I am NOT shy AT ALL, my motto in life is "You only live once." I'm not afraid of people and I will be friends with anyone. One time when I was like three my grandparents took me to a wedding reception and I start talking to anyone and everyone. By the end of the night I knew more people then my grandparents did. I don't want my kids to think there mom was a scardy-cat in high school so if I think a guy is totally HOT, I go after it and ask him out. I've made some EXTREMELY GORGEOUS frinds this way. I'm extremely daring, I'm always up for anything. I think it would be SSSOO RAD to go on Survivor or The Amazing Race or America's Next Top Model.

4- I've always thought it would be amazing to move to New York for a year and perform on Broadway. Oh that is one of my greatest fantasies. I've been in a number of plays and musicals and I adore being on stage. To be a "Broadway Baby" would probably complete my life.

5-I'm not positive on what I want to do with my life but I have narrowed it down to three. I would love to be an elementary school teacher probably 1st or 2nd grade. I would like to be a Sign Language Interpreter or teacher for deaf children and teens. And the third and final would be to work with autistic and other handicapped children.

6-High School is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I ADORE IT!!! I never thought I'd say this but I don't want summer to come because my some of best friends are Seniors. I love the teachers, the classes and the people; it's just so rockin'.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I am running for jr. student counsil. . .it has been an absolute blast. I made it to the second round and had all my friends pass out my handouts, wear my t-shirts and literally campaign thier butts off. I find out friday night at the stomp if I make it or not....kinda nerve racking; but its been an absolute blast so either way I'm happy I ran. Wish me luck!!