Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sadie Hawkins

I went to Sadie Hawkins with my best friend Eric Oldham. He's a senior so it was my last chance to ask him and go have a blast. And that's just what we did; All of my girls were in my group and all of their dates were friends with my date; So for the date we went to D.I. and the goal was to pick out the ugliest thing for your date to wear and we wore the stuff bowling; we got a lot of wierd looks but it was so hilarious. Then we went to my friends house for a BBQ; and headed for the dance where we got our crump on!!!!!!!!!!! This was definately the BEST NIGHT OF MY SOPHOMORE YEAR


Shaun & April said...

Only you could look that cute in DI clothes.

Kevon and Megan said...

Be careful Aubrey... My best friend turned into my boyfriend. We ended up dating for a year before he left on his mission. I was suppose to wait for him but Kevon came along and stole me away. I also went to a high school dance with my "best friend" it was the funenst dance I ever went to, about 3 months later we were more than "best friends." Be careful...

Chalan said...

Aubrey- glad you had fun. You are so cute- I love you! Sounds like a fun date. Megan and I did that exact thing on a date once- DI then bowling. The only difference is you still look cute in your outfit. You look cute in anything!

Emilee said...

What a fun night! It makes me miss high school. I agree you are way too cute to look ugly in anything.